One day, I was browsing my phone, looking at old pictures and I came across this picture above. If you look closely, there's a teeny tiny rainbow in the sky. I took it a few weeks ago while I was stuck in traffic. When I noticed the rainbow, I remember my mood lighten up that day and now, looking at it has made me realize that appreciating little things like these can really take away all the stress we're feeling. 

We live in a time where stress is the biggest epidemic. There are just so many things going on today that everything just seems to trigger stress like our social, professional, academic, and personal life. The adverse effects of stress will sooner or later take a toll on our body. So what I'm trying to say is aside from time management, avoiding unnecessary stress, and other stress management tips  I think one of the easiest way to take a load off is to appreciate the little things. I mean, stress is something we cannot completely avoid so why not just improve your attitude a bit and learn to take notice of the little things that can make us smile like that rainbow up there which I'm sure God sent to remind me that no matter what I'm going through, He sees me and will always be there to help. 

Always remember Philippians 4:6 which says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

Have a great month everyone! :)