Two weeks ago, my friend, Rachel, and I decided to hang out since we barely see each other with our busy schedules (yes, I'm busy :D). We decided to meet at Market Market in Fort Bonifacio for some wall climbing fun. We did this before Christmas break last year but we decided to come back, this time I vowed to reach the top. The first time I climbed level 1 wall, I was so confident because it wasn't my first time to climb. Little did I know that this 40ft wall was more tricky than I thought. It had fewer rocks than I expected and smaller one's too. (plus the pre-Christmas weight I gained and no preparatory exercise at all) I failed to reach the top after 2 desperate tries. Rachel, on the other hand, smoothly climbed the levels 2-3 walls. 

Anyway, after exercising twice that week in efforts to build my strength so I could finally climb the top of the level 1 wall, the day finally came. We had lunch at Rachel's favorite place, The Soup Kitchen (they serve the best soup btw). After satisfying out tummies with good, healthy grub, we walked for half an hour to avoid cramps or appendicitis, then off to wall climbing we went. 
Here's our lunch meal. I ordered vegetable soup so that I feel light when I climbed. I gotta reach the top!
Rachel and I after our great feat!
An hour and a half later, Rachel climbed level 2 twice, level 3 once, and level 4 once. While I was able to climb the level 1 wall- TWICE!. Hah! That was already a great achievement for me. What can I say, we all have to do it in our own pace, right?

My point for this post is that we should engage in healthy activity while bonding with friends rather that just eating out, watching a movie, or shopping because not only is it healthy, it's fun and it challenges you. Cheers for good friends and good times! :)

I'd love to hear about your healthy bonding moments with your friends or your suggestions so please do leave a comment below. :)

Information about Wall Climbing at Market Market:
Wall climbing at Market Market is at the top floor. It's in line with the cinemas. 
-One climb with assistance costs 50PhP
-Unlimited climb without assistance (you have to have a partner to belay you) costs 140PhP
-Unlimited climb with assistance costs 200PhP

12/24/2017 11:11:54 pm

Great write-up, I am a big believer in commenting on blogs to inform the blog writers know that they’ve added something worthwhile to the world wide web!..


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